Saturday, May 17, 2008

Another 100 miler...

Today I completed my second 100 mile bike ride! Woo hoo! We rode with the Ironman Cour D'Alene training group and it was awesome. Dana and I wanted to do the ride hard and with as few stops as possible. We were riding really well for the first 45 miles and hung in with all of the guys in the front....that was until I decided to run over a large piece of glass while I was going up a hill at mile 45. My tire was flat...very very flat. Of course I assumed it would be just a quick easy change of the tube but I didn't realize that the tube in my bag had a short stem which was for my other bike. Yeah...not good. The next best idea would be to borrow a tube from Dana but her tires are smaller than mine...also a problem. So then we waited...and luckily Lisa came up and I borrowed a tube from her. We changed my tire and off we went. It was a great ride from there but by then our pack of lead guys were long gone in front of us. We stopped at Fly's and then hit it hard for the last 45 miles home. It was a great ride in the end and I felt really strong.

I have to run 14 miles tomorrow...eeee! I'm most excited about the pancakes that I'm going to have for breakfast. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Linda Mclyman said...

Marne My Girl!
I am so wicked proud of you. I read your blogg a lot but do not comment, that is an old fart for you (backing off technology). Be aware though that I sneak up in your life via your blogg and send you mega energy because you are my true inspiartion. You are everything a woman should be - strong, independent and able to eat pancakes any day with your workouts. I love you sweetie. You go girl!!!!! Love, Aunt Linda
ps I did a mega kayak paddle this week - 6 hours. You kept me going when this 56 year old body was dying.